We Believe Art & Education Improves Lives Pasadena, California

Bring Positive Change to Your Care Home

Respect and Understanding, believes in bringing positive changes to our society of elders, by using familiar songs and drumming to create "oneness" connections in senior care homes.  

We endeavor to ease the life of senior individuals dealing with disabilities. We were recognized as a 501(c)(3) in 2006, and since then, Brian Duncan, the founder and CEO pursued to make his non-profit Music Participation Healing dream a reality. His vision becomes successful each day when so many residents are responding positively; singing, playing instruments and are outwardly grateful for our visits. We help to heighten the dignity of the resident.


Seniors living in community care home facilities are experiencing life transitions. New socio-emotional skills are needed as elders adjust to community environments, and by providing our specific Music Participation Healing service, we are making a difference in people's lives.  

Respect and Understanding strives to achieve consistent results measurable by qualitative response from care home staff members, care home resident families, and the residents themselves.  
R & U's Music Participation programs have helped to improve resident’s eating habits, sleeping patterns and overall socio-emotional behavior (according to our experience in working the Residents, and our past surveys).

Respect and Understanding exists to deliver hope in our fast paced world by recognizing and addressing the benefits of Music Participation Healing in all of our lives. We learn to deal with difficult moments by using song, and by remembering that emotions are temporary. We teach eachother to: Stay Calm, Listen with your Heart, Count to 10, Love yourself (just like on a plane, we have to put on our own oxygen mask first, and then we can help others).


To listen to a recording about healing beyond the trauma of a difficult time,

please click the link below: Beyond Trauma: by Dr. Darlene Duncan, music - Brian Duncan

We learn to deal with difficult moments by channeling our energy in positives ways, and by remembering that depression or anxiety is like a fog that WILL dissipate if we constructively deal with it...Grief doesn't just take time, it takes LOVE. Healing one moment at a time, one day at a time with an attitude of gratitude. So, let us be patient: Stay Calm, Listen with your Heart, Count to 10, Love yourself (just like on a plane, we have to put on our own oxygen mask first, and then we can help others). Take care.



Contact Respect and Understanding to discover how you can impact your loved ones with our caring Music Participation Healing programs.



Videos, Slideshow and Site Renovation Directed by Michael Karm Studio
DP, Camera Operator and Editor - Brian S. Hanish - Paradox Productions Post
Camera Operator and Editor - Curt Lafurney